Pandemics & Politics


Aktuelles Lehrprojekt

Aber Hatschi - Intersectional Perspectives Into Pandemics

In the pandemic, we see care „emerging from the shadows as a taken-for-granted afterthought in public life” (Fine and Tronto 2020: 302). 

Along the experiences of two politicians, the female spokesperson from Die Linke Ines Schmidt in the Berlin House of Representatives and Bernhard Seidenath from the Bavarian CSU during the early stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, we take a personalized look into the potential of qualitative social science to provide models of a truth behind political power dynamics on an emotional level - through in-depth intersectional analysis of interviews with the structured help of MaxQDA, Google Docs and several analytical tools for Social Media data evaluation. 

For example, home office to Schmidt caused some fun as well, when leading decision-makers were called and find themselves on the playground with their kids (19), when “Vater Staat sagt: Jetzt geht ihr alle mal nach Hause”. The slowness of said father state was accepted by her counterpart Seidenath as well: The pandemic parity policies’ implementation was “etwas schwerfällig”.

This seminar is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of progressive qualitative research methods, intersectionality, and performative science in analyzing the gendered dimensions of pandemics and politics. Therefore, the grading will be based on EITHER written, or videographed, or performed student labour.

basierend auf: Pandemics & Politics - A Gendered Perspective

Masterarbeit mit Fokus auf dem Ausschuss für Pflege, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung 

des Abgeordnetenhauses Berlin sowie Bayern, für den Abschluss des Master Gender, Intersektionalität und Politik an der Freien Universtiät Berlin (2020-2024)

vom ersten Corona-Fall im März 2020 bis zur Wahl zur 19. Wahlperiode am 26. September 2021